Tourist Destinations

Mua Cave

Update: 08/08/2024
Located at the foot of Mua Mountain, Mua Cave belongs to Khe Dau Ha Village, Ninh Xuan Commune, Hoa Lu District.

Mua Cave located inside a mountain with shape of a giant stone bell and an area of 800m2. The name of “Mua” is originated from a story telling that after moving the capital city to Hoa Lu and building Thai Vi Hermitage in the 13th century, King Tran often came here to watch beautiful maids singing and dancing. Hence, people named this Mua Cave. People have to climb 486 steps to reach the mountain peak. From the peak, people can sight the beauty of Trang An Landscape Complex, Tam Coc, etc. There is a statue of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva looking down to the large and peaceful Ancient Capital.

Source: Tourism Promotion Information Center
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