Bin Temple is located in Tam Da hamlet, Chi Phong village, Truong Yen commune, Hoa Lu city, Ninh Binh province. The relic is called Bin Temple because it was built on the village's Bin field. The people named the relic after the place name and this name has been unchanged over the historical periods.

Bin Temple is a place of worship dedicated to Saint Quy Minh Dai Vuong, Do Thien Ton god, Uy Minh god and Lao La god - Ninh Huu Hung. Quy Minh Dai Vuong is the one who helped the 18th Hung King defeat the Thuc army and maintain peace at the border. Do Thien Ton has been worshiped by the people since ancient times and was bestowed by the kings of feudal dynasties. The history of the god of Uy Minh is unknown, but he is believed to protect and help the people. Lao La, Ninh Huu Hung was born in Chi Phong Village and contributed to the construction of palaces in the Hoa Lư capital, assisting King Dinh Tien Hoang and King Le Dai Hanh. He also reclaimed wasteland, established villages and taught carpentry to the people of Thiet Lam area (corresponding to La Xuyen, Ninh Xa Ha villages, Yen Ninh commune, Y Yen district, Nam Dinh province). The gods have been worshiped by the people for many generations and honored as village deities. Throughout feudal dynasties, they were granted royal titles, bestowed with honorable names, and officially worshiped in villages and communes.
Bin Temple was built in the shape of the letter “Dinh” and consists of two structures: the Front Hall and the Back Hall. Through many historical events, the temple has been carefully maintained and restored by the local community, preserving its ancient architecture from the Nguyen Dynasty.
The relic site now still preserves cultural and religious activities, along with many valuable artifacts such as Incense bowls, stone stele, royal decrees of the Later Le and Nguyen dynasties, along with the throne, memorial tablet and bronze and porcelain worship objects that serve as important material evidence for historical and cultural research.
On December 25, 2022, the Provincial People's Committee of Ninh Binh issued Decision No. 1197/QĐ-UBND, officially recognizing Bin Temple as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic.
Every year, major cultural and festival activities take place at the relic site, including the death anniversary of Saint Quy Minh Dai Vuong and New Year's Eve celebrations.
In addition to these main annual events, the site remains a place of worship where village elders regularly burn incense, maintain, and protect the temple. On holidays, full moon days, and the first day of each lunar month, local people visit to offer incense and pray for good fortune.