The provincial historical and cultural relics Trung temple, in Thach Loi Village

Cập nhật: 28/05/2024
Trung Temple is a temple that possesses architectural beauty that is both ancient and majestic and close to the spirituality of local people. The temple was built to commemorate the merits and illustrious career of Ta Dai Lang (a doctor during the Tran Dynasty) and many other historical figures. With special values, Central Temple in Thach Loi village was recognized as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic in 2004.

It is called Trung Thach Loi temple because before the August Revolution of 1945, Thach Loi village had 3 temples: Thuong temple, Trung temple and Ha temple. This temple is located in the middle of Thach Loi village, so it is called Trung temple. In addition, local people also call it the Ta family temple because Trung Thach Loi temple worships the ancestors of the Ta family and many important figures of the Ta family such as: Ta Nhan Tho, Thang Quan Cong Ta Nhan Nien, Ta Thanh, Ta Nhan Tuy, typically Ta Dai Lang, doctor of the Tran Dynasty.

Trung Thach Loi Temple faces west, on ground 2 acres wide. In front of the ancient temple gate, there was a temple pond. Later, people built houses and the pond was gradually filled. The temple has a binary-style architecture with 2 buildings. During the resistance war against the French colonialists, Tien Duong was damaged. When peace was restored, local people rebuilt it as it is today, and in 1997 the Tieng Duong was repaired again and the tiles were turned over. This is the meeting place to discuss rituals for the villagers and the Ta family. The Hau Cung has 3 rooms, built in scrolls. The middle part of the Hau Cung worships the ancestors of the Ta family. The two side rooms worship Ta Dai Lang, Ta Nhan Tho, Ta Nhan Nien, …..

The historical site of Trung Thach Loi Temple still retains a number of precious artifacts such as: 01 genealogy of the Ta family; 04 ordained for Ta Nhan Tho and Ta Nhan Nien in the 6th year of Vinh Thinh (1710), 4th Duc Long (1632), 16th Thanh Thai (1904); The altar thrones and tablets of Dr. Ta Dai Lang, Ta Nhan Tho, and Ta Nhan Nien.

It can be seen that Trung Temple is not only a building with long-standing historical value but also represents the beliefs of local people. This temple is along with Vu Duy Thanh worshiping house, in Khanh Hai commune, Yen Khanh district, Ninh Ton Worshiping house, in Yen My commune, Vu Pham Khai worshiping house, in Yen Mac commune, Yen Mo district, Dao worshiping house, in Ninh An commune, Hoa Lu district has created a system of historical and cultural relics in Ninh Binh, contributing to research and welcoming visitors to learn about the family culture in Vietnam.

Nguồn: UBND xã Khánh Dương