Green Van Long - A vivid Ink-Wash Painting of Nature

Cập nhật: 01/06/2023
Van Long, is 17 km northwest of Ninh Binh city, located in Gia Vien district, Ninh Binh province and this is the largest wetland nature reserve in the Red River Delta region of Northern Vietnam. It officially has become the first of its kind in Southeast Asia to receive the Green List certificate from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Green List Committee in June 2022.

Since being exploited for tourism in 1998, it has become one of the most attractive destinations of Ninh Binh tourism under the theme "Green Van Long". The reserve covers nearly 3000 hectares and is home to 457 species of higher plants, 8 among them are listed in Vietnam’s Red Data Book. When it comes to the fauna ecosystem, it is no less attractive with 39 species, including 12 rare species like: White-rumped langur, king cobra…

Not only is Van Long a nature reserve, but this water-filled area is also home to attractive landscapes. Walking along the embankment, visitors witness the vast, majestic scenery of Van Long, with distant mountains enclosing the wetland, creating a picturesque and serene setting. The atmosphere allows visitors to feel at ease, immersing themselves in the cool natural environment. Travelers depart from the dock and move on a boat. The boatman will guide visitors to explore this wetland area with its attractive ecosystem and landscape. Van Long is often referred to as the "Waveless Bay"; when traveling on a boat, one can see the calm, clear water, revealing the layers of algae beneath the surface. Parting through fields of reeds unveils a supremely relaxing and peaceful space - a natural ink-wash painting with limestone mountain ranges surrounding it, taking on the shapes that mirror their names such as Meo Cao Mountain, Mam Xoi Mountain, Hom Sach Mountain, Da Ban Mountain, Nghien Mountain, Mo Coi Mountain, Co Tien Mountain and others.

In addition, Van Long has about 1000 beautiful caves, many of them have been serving as tourist attractions. One of the biggest and prettiest caves spotted in Van Long is Ca Cave which is 250m long, 8m high, 10m wide.

Along with the stunning natural scenery, next to the Van Long wetland nature reserve, visitors can explore many historical and cultural relics associated with the legend of the “Tứ vị hồng nương”, also known as the " tiên chúa Ba Chon".

Vân Long is a national key tourist area, holding two Vietnam Record Book Center records in 2010: "the place with the greatest number of white-rumped langurs" and "the place with the largest natural picture". In 2019, Van Long lagoon was designated as the 9th Ramsar area in Vietnam and the 2360th Ramsar area in the world.

With its natural environment, biodiversity, and stunning landscapes, Vân Long is an ideal destination worth visiting and experiencing for travelers.

Nguồn: NinhBinhTPIC - photo internet