Discover Gia Thuy pottery making in Ninh Binh

Cập nhật: 27/08/2021
Gia Thuy pottery village is located in Gia Thuy commune, Nho Quan district, Ninh Binh province, is a traditional pottery village with a history of more than 50 years, not only preserving traditional cultural values but also contributing to local economic development, creating jobs for hundreds of workers.

Gia Thuy was chosen to develop pottery is because it has a characteristic clay, suitable for pottery. The specialty of Gia Thuy pottery is made from yellow-brown clay, which is available in local and only in craft villages. This type of type has high cohesion, smoothness, and good heat resistance. When collected, the soil will be dried, crushed and put into the immersion tank. Then, use the machine to stir and then scoop through the sieve. Decant the water above, take out the condensed soil to dry, until it reaches enough flexibility to work. Exposing the soil also requires great care, because if it is too dry or too wet, it will be difficult to shape. Therefore, when drying, workers must regularly observe the dryness of the soil.

After drying, the soil will be brought into the factory to make more puree to create more glue and more smooth when molding. Through the skillful hands of a skilled craftsmen, the soil has transformed itself into shape, into blocks, has a pleasant outline and hides the soul of Gia Thuy craftsman. Depending on the type of product, the worker will mold the soil according to different patterns. Usually, to make jars, big jars, craftsmen will shape the soil into long and round fibers so that it can be easier to put on the turntable. It is also important to keep firewood in the kiln. To produce beautiful and quality products, the firing process plays a decisive role. If during the firing process, the craftsman does not adjust the fire and the temperature appropriately, the product will curve, warp or crack, etc.

Nguồn: Trans: Thuy Tien, photos: Xuan Lam - NBTPIC